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Post by WealthRS Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:58 am

99 mining can be achieved as a F2P as well as a member. Although it is true that as a member 99 mining will go much faster and be much more beneficial. Mining belongs to one of the most beneficial skill to make money and closing up to 99 mining there will be some possibilities to make millions in just a few hours and even some good xp!
Lets get on with the guide!

1-20: To start your training you will have to mine copper and tin ores. Both will give you 17.5 xp per ore. Since they are not this worthy and banking them would waste time, you can also drop them to “powermine” and make faster experience. You can do this at Varrock (east).

20-40: You will be at the Piscatoris Colony Mine mining iron. The reason is that there are three rocks assorted in a triangle and so, you will never have to move at all to train mining. If you have finished the quest “Swan’s Song” then you will be able to use the bank there. You will be required to mine at least 936 ores.

40-77: Go to Seer’s Village and use the coal trucks, where you can fill in coal ores. You can fill in up to 120 ores at a time. This is good money and also good xp per hour. You’ll need 28,786 coal ores to continue with the 99 mining guide.

77-80: You will finally visit the Living Rock Caverns. There are coal deposits. These deposits are “multiple coal stones”. You will stay at one deposit and keep mining and getting several coal ores (instead of only one conventionally). There is also a bank deposit box, where you can store your ores making the money making with mining even more efficient. You will need 102,210 ores to continue with the next part.

80-99: You stay at the Living Rock Caverns, but the only difference is that you will be mining gold deposits. You will need 163,975 gold ores to get 99 mining!
See how much money you make with this strategy below.

Runite: At level 85, you can mine runite rocks. You can make something between 750k and 1.5M in one single hour. The downside is the respawning time of these rocks is about 12 minutes. So you will be changing many worlds and hoping to get a fresh runite rock.

Granite: You can opt for the granite power mining strategy. You make no profit but 40k-65k xp per hour. You will need the quest: Dealing with Scabaras in order to have the enchanted water tiara.
Your setup: enchanted water tiara, amulet of glory, desert shirt, robe, boots, ring of life, cape, gloves and a dragon pickaxe.

Coal and Gold deposits: Coal deposits make 30k xp per hour and 170k to 210k money in an hour. Gold deposits make 45k to 60k xp per hour and 180k to 220k money per hour.

Getting that long deserved Mining Skill Cape
You can buy the Mining Skill Cape from a dwarf at the Mining Guild Enterance.

Posts : 83
Points : 561765780
Reputation : 21
Join date : 2013-10-20
Age : 26
Location : Fargo, ND


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